Genotype simulation

The GRAB package can be used to simulate genotype data for both unrelated and related subjects. The genotype example data in the directory system.file("extdata", package = "GRAB") is simulated as below line by line.

Quick Start-up Guide

OutList = GRAB.SimuGMat(nSub = 500,                   # 500 unrelated subjects
                        nFam = 50,                    # 50 families
                        FamMode = "10-members",       # each family includes 10 members
                        nSNP = 10000,                 # 10000 SNPs
                        MaxMAF = 0.5, MinMAF = 0.05)  # MAFs follow a uniform distribuiton U(0.05, 0.5)

The function GRAB.SimuGMat returns an R list OutList including two elements of GenoMat and markerInfo as below.

#            Length   Class      Mode   
# GenoMat    10000000 -none-     numeric
# markerInfo        2 data.table list
  • markerInfo contains two columns: SNP and MAF
markerInfo = OutList$markerInfo
#              SNP       MAF
#     1:     SNP_1 0.3744068
#     2:     SNP_2 0.4440979
#     3:     SNP_3 0.3924420
#     4:     SNP_4 0.4487561
#     5:     SNP_5 0.2554164
#    ---                    
#  9996:  SNP_9996 0.3270282
#  9997:  SNP_9997 0.2866840
#  9998:  SNP_9998 0.0601416
#  9999:  SNP_9999 0.2161107
# 10000: SNP_10000 0.1632723
  • GenoMat is a matrix, each row is for one subject and each column is for one SNP.
GenoMat = OutList$GenoMat
# [1]  1000 10000 # genotype matrix includes 1000 subjects and 10000 SNPs
# [1] "matrix" "array"

GenoMat[c(1:5,996:1000),1:10]  # Subjects `f1_1` - `f1-10` are from family 1; `Subj-1` - `Subj-500` are unrelated subjects
#          SNP_1 SNP_2 SNP_3 SNP_4 SNP_5 SNP_6 SNP_7 SNP_8 SNP_9 SNP_10
# f1_1         0     1     2     2     1     0     0     0     1      1
# f1_2         1     1     1     0     0     0     0     0     1      1
# f1_3         1     1     0     1     0     0     1     0     1      1
# f1_4         1     1     1     2     1     0     1     2     0      1
# f1_5         0     2     2     1     0     0     0     0     0      1
# Subj-496     1     0     1     0     0     0     1     2     1      1
# Subj-497     1     1     0     0     1     0     1     0     1      0
# Subj-498     0     2     1     1     0     1     1     0     0      0
# Subj-499     2     0     1     1     1     0     0     0     0      1
# Subj-500     1     0     0     2     0     0     0     1     0      2

Note about FamMode

Currently, we support three FamMode including 4-members, 10-members, and 20-members with the family structures as below. If nFam is not specified, then genotype were simulated only for unrelated subjects.

Simulate genotype missing

The below gives an example to simluate genotype missing given a missing rate, in which -9 is to indicate genotype missing, as PLINK does.

MissingRate = 0.05
indexMissing = sample(length(GenoMat), MissingRate * length(GenoMat))
GenoMat[indexMissing] = -9
#          SNP_1 SNP_2 SNP_3 SNP_4 SNP_5 SNP_6 SNP_7 SNP_8 SNP_9 SNP_10
# f1_1         0     1     2     2     1     0     0     0     1      1
# f1_2         1     1     1     0     0     0     0     0     1      1
# f1_3         1     1     0     1     0    -9     1     0     1      1
# f1_4         1     1     1     2     1     0     1     2     0      1
# f1_5         0     2     2     1    -9     0     0     0     0      1
# Subj-496     1     0     1     0     0    -9     1     2     1      1
# Subj-497     1     1     0     0     1     0     1     0     1      0
# Subj-498     0     2     1     1     0     1     1     0     0      0
# Subj-499     2     0     1     1     1     0     0     0     0      1
# Subj-500     1     0     0     2     0     0     0     1     0      2

Note: this function is not computationally efficient and will be updated later.

extDir = system.file("extdata", package = "GRAB")
extPrefix = paste0(extDir, "/simuPLINK")
GRAB.makePlink(GenoMat, extPrefix)

If you have installed softwares PLINK1.9, PLINK2, and bgenix, then you can use the following commands to generate PLINK binary files and BGEN files.

system("plink --file simuPLINK --make-bed --out simuPLINK")
system("plink --bfile simuPLINK --recode A --out simuRAW")
system("plink2 --bfile simuPLINK --export bgen-1.2 bits=8 ref-first --out simuBGEN")  # UK Biobank use 'ref-first'"
system("bgenix -g simuBGEN.bgen -index")

Rare variants simulation (mainly to evaluate set-based approaches): (to be updated: 2022-08-22)

Given arguments of MaxMAF and MinMAF, function GRAB.SimuGMat can simulate

  • common variants (MAF > 5%) and
  • low frequency variants (1% < MAF < 5%).

For rare variants (MAF < 1%), we suggest using real genotype data from unrelated subjects to simulate family structure while mimicking the LD structure.

Simulate genotype using real data

Function GRAB.SimuGMatFromGenoFile can simulate genotype data using PLINK and BGEN files.

nFam = 50
nSub = 500
FamMode = "10-members"

# PLINK data format
PLINKFile = system.file("extdata", "example_n1000_m236.bed", package = "GRAB")
IDsToIncludeFile = system.file("extdata", "example_n1000_m236.IDsToInclude", package = "GRAB")

GenoList = GRAB.SimuGMatFromGenoFile(nFam, nSub, FamMode, PLINKFile,
                                     control = list(IDsToIncludeFile = IDsToIncludeFile))

# Currently, this function does not support BGEN data format
# BGENFile = system.file("extdata", "example_n1000_m236.bgen", package = "GRAB")
# IDsToIncludeFile = system.file("extdata", "example_n1000_m236.IDsToInclude", package = "GRAB")

# GenoList = GRAB.SimuGMatFromGenoFile(nFam, nSub, FamMode, BGENFile,
#                                      control = list(IDsToIncludeFile = IDsToIncludeFile))

Then, we make PLINK files using the genotype data

GenoMat = GenoList$GenoMat
GenoMat[] = -9
extDir = system.file("extdata", package = "GRAB")
extPrefix = paste0(extDir, "/simuPLINK_RV")
GRAB.makePlink(GenoMat, extPrefix)
system("plink --file simuPLINK_RV --make-bed --out simuPLINK_RV")