For analysis tool developer

GRAB package provides a generic framework of GWAS on a large-scale biobank data. The below gives a brief idea about how to incorporate a new tool into GRAB package.

Suppose that the method is ABCDE, then the following functions are required.

  • checkControl.NullModel.ABCDE(control, optionGRM)
  • fitNullModel.ABCDE(response, designMat, subjData, control, optionGRM, genoType, markerInfo)
  • checkControl.Marker.ABCDE(control, optionGRM)
  • checkControl.Region.ABCDE(control, optionGRM)

Function checkControl.NullModel.ABCDE


  • control: a list of parameters
  • optionGRM:


  • control: a list

Function fitNullModel.ABCDE

The function fitNullModel.ABCDE is a lower function to fit null model based on appraoch ABCDE. In main function GRAB.NullModel, the input is first converted to the following data, which is then passed to function fitNullModel.ABCDE.


  • response: output of function model.response
  • designMat: output of function model.matrix after removing column of (Intercept) if any.
  • subjData: subject ID
  • control: output of function checkControl.NullModel.
  • optionGRM: "SparseGRM" or "DenseGRM"
  • genoType: "PLINK" or "BGEN"
  • markerInfo: a data frame to record marker infomation used in GRM construction.


  • control: a list

Function checkControl.Marker.ABCDE

Function checkControl.Region.ABCDE